Teen Two-Saturday Portrait Workshop: A Kinfolk House and Modern Collaboration

Saturday, October 21, noon-4 pm at Kinfolk House
Saturday, October 28, noon-4 pm at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
Deadline for application: October 12, 5 pm
This teen workshop is a collaboration between the Modern’s exhibition Jammie Holmes: Make the Revolution Irresistible and Kinfolk House’s fall exhibition Early Learning, featuring works by Angel Cabrales, Charles Gray, and Kristin Boyer.
The workshop takes place over two Saturdays and will highlight the many exciting connections and overlaps between Jammie Holmes’s artistic practice and the mission and artists of Kinfolk House. Participants will work with artist Ciara Elle Bryant on framing history, memory, family, experience, and identity; activities include tours of the exhibitions, group discussions in the classroom, and a photography and mixed media portrait project in the studio. Lunch and all materials will be provided each day. Registration is required. This is a teacher-nominated scholarship program; please follow the link to apply: Teen Two-Day Workshop
This program is made possible with the generous support of Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT).

Image credits:
Charles Gray
happy birthday, 2021
12x15 inch, oil on Pokémon cards
Kinfolk House
Jammie Holmes
Acrylic and oil petals on canvas
Courtesy the artist
Image courtesy PD Rearick